GTFS: Global Trends and Future Scenarios Index

EMS Agenda 2050


More than 20 years ago, pioneers and leaders in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) industry described a vision of data-driven and evidence-based systems in the EMS Agenda for the Future. Since then, the profession has worked tirelessly to fulfill the vision set out in that landmark document. Throughout 2017 and 2018, the EMS community has come together to build on this foundational work and advance the vision for the future of EMS. EMS Agenda 2050 is a collaborative and inclusive, two-year project, to create a bold plan for the next several decades. EMS community members, stakeholder organizations, and the public, are all encouraged to get involved in writing a new Agenda for the Future that will set forth a vision for the next thirty years of EMS system advancement.

Infrastructure, Health
Global, North America
Year Published:
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)