Reviewing the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals and Partnerships Issues: Economics, Global and Domestic Governance Region: Global Year Published: 2015 Author: Marianne Beisheim Institutions: German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) Tags: Sustainable Development, SDG
Expect the Unexpected: Ten Situations to Keep an Eye On Issues: Climate Change, Economics, Global and Domestic Governance, Natural Resources Region: Global Year Published: 2012 Authors: Volker Perthes, Barbara Lippert Institutions: German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)
Obama’s New Climate Policy Issue: Climate Change Region: North America Country: United States Year Published: 2010 Authors: Stormy-Annika Mildner, Jörn Richert Institutions: German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)
Solar Power from North Africa: Frameworks and Prospects Issues: Infrastructure, Energy, Natural Resources, Technological innovation Regions: Middle East and North Africa, Africa, Europe Year Published: 2010 Authors: Isabelle Werenfels, Kirsten Westphal Institutions: German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)
Options for Future Climate Change Policy: Transatlantic Perspectives Issues: Natural Resources, Technological innovation Regions: Europe, North America Country: United States Year Published: 2005 Authors: Friedemann Müller, Alex Riechel Institution: German Institute for International and Security Affairs