Moving Toward Prairie Agriculture 2050 Issues: Climate Change, Natural Resources Region: North America Country: Canada Year Published: 2014 Authors: Brian Amiro, Christine Rawluk, Karin Wittenberg Institution: Alberta Institute of Agrologists
NanoManufacturing: Emergence and Implications for U.S. Competitiveness, the Environment, and Human Health Issues: Infrastructure, Health, Technological innovation Region: North America Country: United States Year Published: 2014 Institution: Accountability Office
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook, 2014-2023 Issues: Economics, Natural Resources Region: Global Year Published: 2014 Institutions: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Outlook on the Global Agenda 2014 Issue: All Region: Global Year Published: 2014 Institution: World Economic Forum
Parched prospects: The emerging water crisis in South Africa Issue: Natural Resources Region: Africa Country: South Africa Year Published: 2014 Authors: Steve Hedden, Jakkie Cilliers Institutions: Institute for Security Studies Africa (ISS), Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, University of Denver
Perspectives 2030: Opportunités et dangers pour la Confédération Issue: Global and Domestic Governance Region: Europe Country: Switzerland Year Published: 2014 Institution: Confédération Suisse
Plan Eléctrico del Estado Plurnacional de Bolivia 2025 Issues: Infrastructure, Energy Region: Latin America Country: Bolivia Year Published: 2014 Institutions: Estado Plurnacional de Bolivia, Ministerio de Hidrocarburos y Energía de Bolivia Tag: Electricidad
Plan Nacional de Desarrollo K’atun: Nuestra Guatemala 2032 Issues: Health, Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Economics, Education, Global and Domestic Governance, Natural Resources Regions: Central America, Latin America Country: Guatemala Year Published: 2014 Institutions: Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo Urbano y Rural (Guatemala), Secretaría de Planificación y Programación de la Presidencia (Guatemala) Tag: Desarrollo
Plan Nacional de Desarrollo: Paraguay 2030 Issues: Health, Climate Change, Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Economics, Education, Global and Domestic Governance, Natural Resources Region: Latin America Country: Paraguay Year Published: 2014 Institution: Government of Paraguay
Planning for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in sub-Saharan Africa: A modeling-based approach Issues: Health, Technological innovation Region: Africa Country: Mali Year Published: 2014 Authors: J. Kathleen Tracy, Nicholas H. Schluterman, Christina Greene, Samba O. Sow, Holly D. Gaff Institution: Vaccine (Journal)