GTFS: Global Trends and Future Scenarios Index

Future of Wellbeing


Canada Beyond 150 Summary:

In an age where we are more digitally connected than ever before, why do so many Canadians feel lonely? This was a key theme as we explored social changes that could shape the wellbeing of Canadians over the next 15 years. Our analysis of weak signals of change, research, future scenarios, and consultations with stakeholders led us to look at social connection as an important part of mental wellness. In particular, we see a rise in social isolation rates among Canadian youth as a major public health issue and a challenge to Canadian communities.

While there are many factors to youth social isolation, there are signs that new digital media habits are an area to monitor. Personal digital devices have become widespread in Canadian society, yet Canada lacks a public health approach to digital media. As we expect digital interfaces to enter into more aspects of life, we must better understand their possible impacts on mental and physical wellness. It is time to consider the topic of digital media health.