GTFS: Global Trends and Future Scenarios Index

Renewables Global Futures Report 2013


The REN21 Renewables Global Futures Report (GFR) is a pioneering publication that provides access to the range of credible possibilities on the future of renewable energy. The report is based on interviews with over 170 leading experts around the world and the projections of 50 recently published scenarios. The report can serve as a tool for dialogue and discussion on future options, and compliments well the REN21 Renewables Global Status Report.

Released in January 2013, the report was authored by Dr. Eric Martinot and was the product of a unique collaboration between REN21 and the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP) during 2011-2012.

“The future of renewable energy is a choice, not a foregone conclusion. The recently launched REN21 Renewables Global Futures Report (GFR) presents the range of credible energy options.”