Which cities will be leading the global economy in 2035? Issues: Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Economics Regions: Asia, Europe, Global, North America Year Published: 2018 Institution: Oxford Economics
10 Trends Transforming Education As We Know It Issue: Education Region: Europe Year Published: 2017 Institution: European Political Strategy Centre
Europe in 2022: Alternative Futures Issues: Economics, Global and Domestic Governance Region: Europe Year Published: 2017 Authors: Mathew J. Burrows, Frances G. Burwell Institution: Atlantic Council
Germany: Industrie 4.0 Issues: Economics, Technological innovation Region: Europe Country: Germany Year Published: 2017 Authors: Demetrius Klitou, Johannes Conrads, Morten Rasmussen, Laurent Probst, Bertrand Pedersen Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission
Mediterranean Futures 2030—Toward a Transatlantic Security Strategy Issues: Climate Change, Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Global and Domestic Governance Region: Europe Year Published: 2017 Authors: Lisa Aronsson, Magnus Nordenman, Peter Engelke Institution: Atlantic Council
Strategic Foresight Primer Region: Europe Year Published: 2017 Author: Angela Wilkinson Institution: European Political Strategy Centre
EU Reference Scenario 2016: Energy, Transport and GHG Emissions Trends to 2050 Issues: Climate Change, Natural Resources Region: Europe Year Published: 2016 Institution: European Commission
European Union in the World 2025: Scenarios for EU Relations with its Neighbours and Strategic Partners Issue: Global and Domestic Governance Region: Europe Year Published: 2016 Institution: The Dahrendorf Forum
Future of an Ageing Population Region: Europe Country: United Kingdom Year Published: 2016 Institutions: Government of the United Kingdom, Government Office for Science (UK)
GERMANY 2030: GERMANY’S PROSPERITY RESTS ON INNOVATION Issues: Infrastructure, Health, Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Economics, Global and Domestic Governance, Technological innovation Region: Europe Country: Germany Year Published: 2016 Institution: BDI - Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.