Global Trendometer Issue: Global and Domestic Governance Region: Europe Year Published: 2016 Institution: European Parliamentary Research Service
Growth and Income Distribution in France Issue: Economics Region: Europe Country: France Year Published: 2016 Institution: Centre d'Analyse Stratégique France
A window of opportunity for Europe Issue: Economics Region: Europe Year Published: 2015 Authors: Eckart Windhagen, Jan Mischke, Matt Stone, Richard Dobbs, Sven Smit, Eric Labaye Institutions: McKinsey Global Institute, McKinsey & Company
Concurrent Design Foresight Issue: Global and Domestic Governance Region: Europe Year Published: 2015 Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission Tag: Foresight
El dinero en 2033: Cómo nos financiaremos y ahorraremos Issue: Economics Region: Europe Country: Spain Year Published: 2015 Institution: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
European employers’ perspectives on long-term unemployment, recruitment and public employment services Issues: Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Economics Region: Europe Year Published: 2015 Authors: Luke Raikes, Bill Davies Institution: Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Tags: Labor, Employment
Exploring Tomorrow’s Organized Crime Issues: Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Economics, Technological innovation Region: Europe Year Published: 2015 Institution: EUROPOL Tag: Organized crime
Future Visions for Water and Cities Issues: Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Natural Resources Region: Europe Country: United Kingdom Year Published: 2015 Institution: The UK Water Partnership Tag: water
Global Trends to 2030: Can the EU meet the challenges ahead? Issues: Infrastructure, Health, Energy, Climate Change, Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Economics, Global and Domestic Governance, Technological innovation Regions: Europe, Global Year Published: 2015 Institution: European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS) Tag: European Union
Horizon 2020: Research and Innovation to boost growth and jobs in Europe Issue: Technological innovation Region: Europe Year Published: 2015 Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission