UN World Water Development Report 2020: water and climate change Issues: Energy, Health, Climate Change, Economics, Natural Resources Region: Global Year Published: 2020 Institutions: UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme (UNESCO-WWAP), UNESCO Tags: Food security, sanitation, risk, mitigation, adaptation, Water Governance, supply chains, Development, Poverty, water
Ending Poverty and Hunger by 2030: An Agenda for the Global Food System (2nd Ed.) Issues: Economics, Natural Resources Region: Global Year Published: 2015 Institution: World Bank Group Tag: Poverty
Shock Waves: Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty Issues: Climate Change, Economics Region: Global Year Published: 2015 Authors: Stephane Hallegatte, Mook Bangalore, Laura Bonzanigo, Marianne Fay, Tamaro Kane, Ulf Narloch, Julie Rozenberg, David Treguer, Adrien Vogt-Schilb Institution: World Bank Group Tag: Poverty