Using Foresight to Support the Next strategic Programming Period of Horizon 2020 (2016-2018) Issues: Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Education, Natural Resources, Technological innovation Region: Europe Year Published: 2014 Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission
EU energy, transport, and greenhouse gas emissions trends to 2050 Issues: Infrastructure, Energy, Climate Change, Natural Resources, Technological innovation Region: Europe Year Published: 2013 Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission
Future Lifestyles in Europe and the United States in 2020 Issues: Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Technological innovation Regions: Europe, North America Country: United States Year Published: 2013 Institutions: European Union (EU), Wevolve, European Commission
Research and Innovation on Sustainable Urban Dynamics Issue: Demography, Urbanization and Migration Regions: Europe, Global Year Published: 2013 Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission
Energy Roadmap 2050 Issues: Infrastructure, Energy, Natural Resources Region: Europe Year Published: 2012 Institution: European Commission
Global Europe 2050 Issues: Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Economics, Global and Domestic Governance, Technological innovation Region: Europe Year Published: 2012 Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission Tag: Future Trends
The OURSE Model: Simulating the World Refining Sector to 2030 Issues: Natural Resources, Technological innovation Region: Global Year Published: 2012 Authors: Frédéric Lantz, Valérie Saint-Antonin, Jean-François Gruson, Wojciech Suwala, Bert Saveyn Institutions: Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), European Union (EU), Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission
Energy Roadmap 2050 Issues: Infrastructure, Energy, Natural Resources Region: Europe Year Published: 2011 Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission
EuroMed-2030: Long term challenges for the Mediterranean Area Issues: Infrastructure, Climate Change, Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Economics Regions: Middle East and North Africa, Europe Year Published: 2011 Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission
Final Report: The Advisory Group on the Energy Roadmap 2050 Issues: Energy, Climate Change, Natural Resources Region: Europe Year Published: 2011 Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission