HOW RUSSIA DOES FORESIGHT / Where is the world going? Issues: Economics, Global and Domestic Governance Region: Europe Country: Russia Year Published: 2021 Author: Andrew Monaghan Institutions: European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), European Union (EU) Tags: Future Trends, Foresight, Geopolitics, Strategic Foresight, western, geoeconomics, defense, military
2030 Climate Target Plan Issues: Economy, Climate Change Region: Europe Year Published: 2020 Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission, European Commission Tags: Future Trends, European Union, Emissions, gas, legislation, Paris
Analysis of climate change impacts on EU agriculture by 2050 Issues: Climate Change, Natural Resources Region: Europe Year Published: 2020 Authors: Franciscus Dentener, Marian Bratu, Lorenzo Panarello, Iacopo Cerrani, Stefan Niemeyer, Davide Fumagalli, Andrej Ceglar, Christian Elleby, Thomas Fellmann, Ignacio Pérez Domínguez, Andrea Toreti, Jordan Hristov Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission
Global Trends to 2030: Challenges and Choices for Europe Issue: All Region: Europe Year Published: 2019 Author: Florence Gaub Institutions: European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS), European Union (EU)
The Future of Cities: Opportunities, Challenges and the Way Forward Issues: Infrastructure, Health, Climate Change, Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Economics, Global and Domestic Governance, Technological innovation Region: Europe Year Published: 2019 Institutions: European Union (EU), Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission
The Future of Migration in the European Union Issues: Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Economics, Global and Domestic Governance Region: Europe Year Published: 2019 Authors: Alice Szczepanikova, Tine Van Criekinge Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission
The Future of Work? Work of the Future! Issues: Economics, Education, Technological innovation Region: Europe Year Published: 2019 Author: Michel Servoz Institutions: European Union (EU), European Commission
10 Trends Reshaping Climate and Energy Issues: Energy, Climate Change Regions: Europe, Global Year Published: 2018 Institution: European Policy Strategy Centre
10 Trends Shaping Innovation in the Global Age Issue: Technological innovation Region: Global Year Published: 2018 Institution: European Policy Strategy Centre
Demographic and Human Capital Scenarios for the 21st Century Issues: Demographics, Economy Region: Global Year Published: 2018 Institution: European Commission