Latin American and Caribbean Forecasts in the 2020s: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities Issue: Climate Change Regions: Caribbean, Latin America Year Published: 2021 Authors: Allen Blackmen, Matt Warren, Rafael Vargas, Claudia Stickler, Brent L. Sohngen, Juan Robalino, Raoni Rajão, Daniel Nepstad, Nathália Nascimento, Bryan Finegan, Olivia David, Tathiana Bezerra, Simone Bauch, Julia Arieira, Juan Ardila, Carlos A. Nobre Institution: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Age with Care: Long-term Care in Latin America and the Caribbean Issues: Health, Demographics Regions: Caribbean, Latin America Year Published: 2019 Authors: Gianluca Cafagna, Natalia Aranco, Pablo Ibararrán, María Laura Oliveri, Nadin Medellín, Marco Stampini Institution: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
El futuro de Centroamérica: retos para un desarrollo sostenible Issues: Climate Change, Economics Region: Central America Year Published: 2019 Institution: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Tags: Sustainable Development, finance
The Future of Transportation Services in Latin American and Caribbean Countries Issues: Infrastructure, Technology Regions: Caribbean, Central America, Latin America Year Published: 2019 Author: Tom Voege Institution: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Future of Work: Regional Perspectives Issues: Economics, Technological innovation Regions: Global, Latin America Year Published: 2018 Institutions: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), African Development Bank (AfDB), European Bank of Regional Development (EBRD)
The future of work in Latin America and the Caribbean: a great opportunity for the region? Issues: Demography, Urbanization and Migration, Economics Regions: Caribbean, Latin America Year Published: 2018 Authors: Mariano Bosch, Laura Ripani, Carmen Pagés Institution: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Latin America and the Caribbean 2030: Future Scenarios Issue: All Regions: Caribbean, Latin America Year Published: 2016 Authors: Jason Marczak, Peter Engelke Institutions: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Atlantic Council
Why and How Latin America Should Think About the Future: Global Trends & Future Scenarios Issue: All Regions: Central America, Global, Latin America Year Published: 2016 Author: Sergio Bitar Institutions: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Inter-American Dialogue
ACCESO UNIVERSAL AL SANEAMIENTO: ALTERNATIVAS Y COSTOS: CASO URUGUAY Issues: Infrastructure, Health Region: Latin America Country: Uruguay Year Published: 2015 Institution: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Lights On? Energy Needs in Latin America and the Caribbean to 2040 Issue: Energy Regions: Caribbean, Latin America Year Published: 2015 Authors: Tomas Serebrisky, Ramón Espinasa, Lenin H. Balza Institution: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)