The Dialogue’s long-term global trends program aims to increase Latin America’s exposure to the growing use of foresight and long-term thinking, in order to improve strategic decision-making today. In cooperation with the Inter-American Development Bank, the Dialogue’s initiative provides governments, banks and corporations, universities, think tanks, and other institutions in Latin America fresh, continued access to vital information and analyses on relevant trends and future scenarios, with the goal to strengthen the region’s own capacity to conduct and disseminate similar studies.
An increasing number of government agencies, think tanks, policy research centers, and major corporations and banks in the US, Europe, and Asia are focusing attention on long-term global trends, using foresight to consider trends which could shape and constrain world political, economic, social, and security developments. There is now a growing recognition that it is crucial for governments, multilateral organizations, and private institutions to understand these trends and their likely impact in order to formulate effective, forward-looking national governance strategies to meet future challenges and find opportunities.